This may be slightly more justified though, due to how being "expelled" works in the school. Applegate after Buggs gets sick of her trying to expel him. Applegate her dead dog without getting rid of her (she will think you killed her dog and will kill you in revenge), and Buggs's quest revolves around you murdering Ms. Your classmates aren't exempt from this either - it's possible for Cindy to stab you to death if you fail to be a dutiful and obedient husband while the two of you are playing house, or if you show Ms. Disproportionate Retribution: The principal and janitor will kill you for the slightest of reasons.Daycare Nightmare: The game takes place in one of these.Curb-Stomp Battle: You're not winning fights with Buggs.Cruelty Is the Only Option: Killing off your classmates and school staff isn't just an option, it's actually necessary at points to proceed.Crapsaccharine World: In a bright and colorful pixel-art world, even children die a bloody death.The player collects them through various means like finding them hidden around the school or giving certain items to certain characters, and if you collect all of them, you can bring them to the Nugget Cave to unlock a secret ending. Collection Sidequest: The Monstermon Cards.Bully Brutality: Buggs will outright beat you to death if you refuse to give him half your money at the start of the school day or if you provoke him by bringing up his Disappeared Dad (though Ms.To enter the pit alive, Nugget must first empty a load of nuggets to cushion the landing. Bottomless Pits: The Nugget Cave, which is dug in the sandbox so deep, even Ms.Applegate guesses that the only way Cindy could have been dumber was had her parents been siblings. In commenting on how stupid Cindy is, Ms. Applegate after you unwittingly get Cindy killed in a car accident. Brother–Sister Incest: Discussed between you and Ms.Bland-Name Product: It's not a McDonald's Happy Meal, it's a McGlob's Silly Meal.Black Comedy: You'll be surprised with the sheer amount of dark content and adult themes in the bright and colorful world of kindergarten, and you'll be even more surprised with how they're all Played for Laughs.Nugget and Lily are both understandably humiliated, especially since the poem includes lines like "Nugget likes the Lily's hair / Nugget likes to smell her chair".

by reading the poem out loud to the rest of the class. Unfortunately, Lily can't read, so she asks Ms. Awkward Poetry Reading: In Nugget's mission, he tasks the protagonist with giving Lily a love poem he wrote for her.Applegate's route actually involves you getting rid of the other kids by the end of the day, with the rest of the kids gone (either by death or otherwise), you'll be rewarded with a Lunch Pass and be dismissed early. Everyone else is fair game, including yourself, your classmates, the teachers, the janitor.

Anyone Can Die: The only people who can't die are the lunch lady and the hall monitor.You can do this too, if you press the red button while Billy's tank is selected, which will shred the contents of the tank, AKA him.She had originally meant to just get him expelled, but finds that it works out anyway, since she doesn't have to deal with him anymore. Applegate confronts Nugget about it, and pushes him into the Nugget Cave. After presenting Cindy's dead dog to her, Ms.If you're looking for the HBO Family show, see here. Throughout the day, do favors, avoid trouble, get special items, and repeat as you uncover the mystery under the kindergarten.Ī sequel was released in June 2019, and a remastered version bundled with the sequel was released to the Nintendo Switch in January 2023 as "Kindergarten Buddy Edition". Kindergarten is an adventure game where you play as a kindergartner. Play house! Eliminate! Survive! note Left to right: Top Row: The Principal, Jerome, Cindy, Nugget, The Janitor.